In the months following the television debut of THE LOVING STORY on HBO, our film’s producer and editor Elisabeth Haviland James traveled to Tajikistan as a guest of the State Department to discuss filmmaking and THE LOVING STORY. Her experience showed that the film’s message transcends borders. I had the amazing opportunity to travel to [...]
Our filmmakers have been accompanying THE LOVING STORY to festivals and screenings around the globe and chronicling the film’s reception. In this post, writer Susie Ruth Powell discusses the impact of THE LOVING STORY on audiences in Kyrgyzstan. Several attentive audiences in Kyrgyzstan took the time to view THE LOVING STORY and react to the [...]
Most recently, our director Nancy Buirski traveled to Columbia under the Sundance Film Forward program, an initiative organized by the Sundance Institute and supported by various government agencies, to screen THE LOVING STORY. Given the history of violence in the region, her experience there was especially poignant… The notion of violence permeates our trip. It [...]