Nov / 23

The Loving Story on Oscar Shortlist for Best Documentary

We are so honored to be on the Academy Awards Documentary Shortlist among so many other great films!

For a list of the full 15, click here.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way.


Nov / 20

This Valentine’s Day, stay home with the Lovings

We are proud to announce the on-air debut of THE LOVING STORY, premiering February 14th, 2012, on HBO.

Not only is it Black History Month but also a day we all celebrate love – there could not be a better time to share this important story.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope you tune in wherever you may be!

Sep / 18

Screening Info and Updates

Screening panel

The Loving Team at a screening panel

Please check back here for updates on upcoming film screenings, interviews, additions to the website, and other exciting news and information about the film.

Thanks for all the support!